Mfumo wa Baruapepe Serikalini (GMS)

Mfumo wa Baruapepe Serikalini (GMS)

Mfumo huu unaziwezesha taasisi za umma kuwasiliana na kubadilishana taarifa kati ya taasisi na taasisi kwa usalama, uhakika na gharama nafuu.Mfumo huu umeimarisha mawasiliano kwa njia ya baruapepe kwa taasisi za umma na kuongeza usalama wa ubadilishanaji taarifa na unakinga dhidi ya wadukizi na hivyo ni salama zaidi kwa usiri wa taarifa nyeti za serikali.Aidha, usanifishaji wa mfumo huu umeisaidia Serikali...

Sifa za Mfumo

Aina za Akaunti ya GMS

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  • GMS offers four types of accounts which are Personal or staff email accounts, Institutional or departmental email accounts, Group e-mail accounts, Special or specific purpose email accounts.

    Personal or staff email accounts,

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  • hey are meant for Government officers to communicate official matters than private ones. They generally follow the syntax “firstname.surname” followed by the respective institutional domain e.g.

    Institutional or departmental email accounts

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  • They usually named according to the official abbreviated title of the head of the institution, department, or unit followed by the respective domain e.g.,,, etc. Unlike a personal email account which is used solely by the respective staff and which ceases once the person leaves the institution, an institutional email account is used by virtue of one’s title and never ceases as long as the institution exists.

    Group e-mail accounts,

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  • They are special accounts comprising of other email accounts within such that an email sent to the group is in turn delivered to all members of the group. Generally, the recommended best practice is “group.entity” followed by the institutional domain where “entity” can be something physical or abstract but must be meaningful. For example, the group mail can comprise all email accounts of the members of the DIMS department. Similarly, comprises of all eGA Staff, etc.

    The prefix “group.” is purposely for alerting a sender that the email will be sent to a group of people hence has to be careful and, if necessary, to review the group membership before sending. Strict measures have to be taken to ensure only allowed persons can post to a group mail as failure to do so may lead to problems. Equivalently, group mail compositions have to be reviewed regularly to remove unrequired group members like those who have left the institution otherwise it may lead to information breach. The rule of thumb is, “create a group mail only when necessary, do not grant a group mail more permissions than required or necessary, and review and update a group mail composition or membership regularly”.

    Special or specific purpose email accounts

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  • Some email accounts are intended for delivering specific or special messages pertaining to a specific subject, area, or domain such as informational messages, warnings, alerts, etc. For example, ICT security team in an institution may have a special email account(s) for sending messages to specific group of users on ICT security alerts. Similarly, various support teams like ICT may have special email accounts to support or help end-users on various matters pertaining to ICT services offered by their institutions. It is not uncommon to come across or communicate through email accounts like,, etc.

    Not only for use by human beings, but also information systems can automatically send emails to users through special email accounts created for such purposes without any human intervention. Booking or ticketing information systems, billing information systems, etc. are good examples of such systems that send information, alerts, or warning messages to subscribed users through the famous “noreply” email accounts or some other special accounts. For example, may send alerts to users whose mailbox quotas are about to exceed the set limit. These are for informational purposes only and, usually, need not to be replied.

    Makundi ya GMS

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  • Kuna makundi mawili ya Mfumo wa Baruapepe Serikalini ambayo ni Mfumo Huria wa Baruapepe Serikalini (GMSC) na Mfumo wa Ndani wa Baruapepe Serikalini (GMSL)

    Mfumo Huria wa Baruapepe Serikalini

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  • e-GA provides hosting, security, storage, computing, backup, disaster recovery, and the general day-to-day operation and maintenance of the system hence relieving institutions from all such hassles and, instead, to enable them to focus on their core businesses. Connected institutions contribute some fees to carter for the resources necessary for operation and maintenance of the system

    Mfumo wa Ndani wa Baruapepe Serikalini

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  • The system is installed locally at an institution’s premises. In turn the institution is responsible for undertaking all the duties and costs that would have been undertaken or bear by the Authority had it opted for the cloud-based option. However, e-GA provides support for updates and upgrades at the application level once they are available. Institutions have to decide carefully on which option suits their needs best while considering cost, availability, performance, and security among other key factors.

    Faida za GMS

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    1. Chaneli ya mawasiliano serikalini iliyosalama na ya kuminika
    2. Mfumo rasmi wa kubadilishana taarifa
    3. Inapunguza gharama na muda

    Tazama Video

    Maswali Yaulizwayo Mara kwa Mara

    Napata tatizo “Tatizo la kuwasiliana na seva” au hakuna mawasiliano na seva kwa muda mrefu wakati wa kutuma,kusoma au kufungua baruapepe

    SababuTatizo la kuunganishwa na intanetiSeva haipaikani kwa muda na matatizo ya mtandao yataweza kukatisha utaratibu mzi...

    Kuambatisha jalada (Kiambatisho) kwenye GMS inachukua muda mrefu/ jalada haliwezi kuambatishwa.

    SababuMtandao unashindwa kuunganishwa kwa harakaUkubwa wa jalada umzidi kiwango kinachoruhusiwa cha 20MBUfumbuziNjia ya...

    Ninapata tazito ninapotuma baruapepe “Kuna tatizo unapotuma baruapepe yako”

    SababuAma unatuma baruapepe kwa kikundi kisichoidhinishwaKunatokea alama kama vile -,*,> n.k kwenye uga wa anwani yak...

    My emails are plainly arranged without any graphical features once I login into GMS

    SababuInawezekana unakabiliwa na tatizo la mtandao kutounganishwa kwa haraka.Kivinjari chako kinaweza kuwa kinarejea kwe...


    1. Registered domain name which follow government standards i.e
    2. The domain for email account should be hosted at e-GA.
    3. Have a specific number of users expected to use the service.

    1. Barua ya maombi
    2. Ainisha idadi ya watumiaji wanaotarajiwa kutumia mfumo huo katika barua yako
    3. Teua wasimamizi wawili wa mifumo watakaohudhuria mafunzo ya Usimamizi wa Mfumo na Uanzishwaji wa akaunti ya GMS katika taasisi yako.
    4. Iwapo anuani ya akaunti yako inahifadhiwa na kuhudumiwa mahali pengine, ni lazima uwasilishe ufunguo wa uhawilishaji.
    5. Lipa ada ya mwaka inayostahili kulingana na idadi ya watumiaji kupitia Akaunti ya Wakala (e-Government Agency A/C) Na. 20110002340, NMB Bank.

    Wasiliana Nasi

    • Ofisi ya Rais,
    • Mamlaka Ya Serikali Mtandao
    • Mamlaka ya Serikali Mtandao 8 Barabara ya Kivukoni, Jengo la Utumishi
    • S.L.P 4273, Dar es Salaam
    • +255222129868